Bollywood's Top 10 Sexiest Molls - Movies: "There's quite a cinematic tradition of molls, the gangster's girl who works for him and alongside him, the junglee billi to his tabby-cat ways."
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
10 Things Every Woman Should Know About a Man's Brain | LiveScience
10 Things Every Woman Should Know About a Man's Brain | LiveScience: "Most popular notions about the male brain are based on studies of men ages 18 to 22 -- undergrads subjecting themselves to experiments for beer money or course credit. But a man's brain varies tremendously over his life span, quickly contradicting the image of the single-minded sex addict that circulates in mainstream consciousness."
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Friday, April 20, 2012
Ten Iconic Images: A Photographer’s Bucket List -- National Geographic
Ten Iconic Images: A Photographer’s Bucket List -- National Geographic: "Recently I was asked if I could name a “bucket list” of iconic places in the world for photographers. It didn’t take long. Certain places attract photographers like magnets attract iron filings; we are drawn to them without quite knowing why. Nor do we absolutely have to know. For some of us it will simply be the joy of collecting the trophy pictures we’ve always wanted to take. But for others, myself included, the exercise has something more to do with understanding both ourselves and the world. Here is my list (not terribly original, I’ll admit), with my reflections on why these places are iconic to me. I’m absolutely sure that everyone will have a different top ten. But just as going there and taking the pictures was a deeply rich experience, so too is the simple act of asking which ones—and why?"
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10 Most Prolific 'Simpsons' Characters - ABC News
10 Most Prolific 'Simpsons' Characters - ABC News: "Today is the 25th anniversary of "The Simpsons," as the family first appeared on April 19, 1987 in an animated short as part of "The Tracey Ullman Show." In their 25 year existence, the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) credits Homer, Bart, Marge and Lisa with the most appearances per-episode, as one might guess ..."
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10 Surprising Sex Statistics | LiveScience
10 Surprising Sex Statistics | LiveScience: "Whether it's penis size, papillomavirus risk, or profligate pregnancies, it's good to know the numbers. Check out these stats to see if you are well within the sexual mean — or if you're off the charts. [Read: 5 Myths About the Male Body, Female Body]"
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Top 10 ways Walmart is failing on sustainability | Grist
Top 10 ways Walmart is failing on sustainability | Grist: "Walmart’s green PR machine has been running on overdrive lately. Over the past few weeks, the world’s largest retailer has announced six new solar installations in Colorado, unveiled its fifth annual Global Responsibility Report, and promoted a live webcast of its Global Sustainability Milestone Meeting."
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
The top 10 fastest-growing U.S. industries (Hint: Think hot sauce) - The Washington Post
The top 10 fastest-growing U.S. industries (Hint: Think hot sauce) - The Washington Post: "The future of the U.S. economy, apparently, is hot sauces and self-tanning creams. Last week, we looked at the nation’s top 10 dying industries — everything from DVD rentals to, uh, newspapers. But now IBIS World is out with a new report (pdf) on the 10 fastest-growing industries:"
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Saturday, April 14, 2012
The top 10 dying industries in the United States - The Washington Post
The top 10 dying industries in the United States - The Washington Post: "A new report (pdf) from IBIS World looks at 10 industries in the United States that are demonstrating, as the researchers put it, “exceptionally sour performance.” Some are suffering from trade competition, some — like video rental — from the advent of new technology. "
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Heaven Can Wait | TIME Picks the Top 10 On-Screen Depictions of Heaven | Entertainment |
Heaven Can Wait | TIME Picks the Top 10 On-Screen Depictions of Heaven | Entertainment | "A remake of a 1941 film called Here Comes Mr. Jordan, Warren Beatty directed and starred as a football player who is erroneously plucked from his earthly body before his time. While heaven itself is never seen (because it can wait, after all), we get a glimpse of the way station, where Joe, in sweats and carrying his clarinet, wanders in a misty, solemn place where souls are silently and obediently lined up to be transported, via Concorde, then the latest in space age transportation, to their “ultimate destination.”"
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10 Surprising Ways to Avoid Nursing Home Care |
10 Surprising Ways to Avoid Nursing Home Care | "Although many nursing homes today offer wonderful care, most of us would prefer to live out our lives in the comfort of home."
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Saturday, April 7, 2012
WHO | 10 facts on ageing and the life course #AddHealth2Life
WHO | 10 facts on ageing and the life course: "Between 2000 and 2050, the proportion of the world's population over 60 years will double from about 11% to 22%. The number of people aged 60 years and over is expected to increase from 605 million to 2 billion over the same period."
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The 10 Most Popular Social Networks from Around the World | Complex
The 10 Most Popular Social Networks from Around the World | Complex: "If you live here in the U.S., you wouldn't be faulted for thinking the rest of the world also uses nothing but Facebook and Twitter. In fact, you would be mostly right. With over 845 million users, Facebook is the dominate social network across the globe. However, there are some countries that prefer to use their own home-brewed social networks. Some, like China's Qzone, are big enough to make Zuckerberg sweat, while others, like Germany's StudiVZ, are simply happy to be in the game. Read on to find out what services people across the globe are using to stay connected."
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The Top 10 Museums On Pinterest | Complex
The Top 10 Museums On Pinterest | Complex: "While some ignore the impact that Pinterest is having on the digital landscape, it's just become the third most popular social network after Facebook and Twitter, attracting 17.8 million visitors in February 2012 alone. Not just a site for moms and cooking enthusiasts, Pinterest has been populated by a crop of forward-thinking museums that have found creative ways to market their institutions. "
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Top 10 must-know facts about brain cancer - The Times of India
Top 10 must-know facts about brain cancer - The Times of India: "According to a recent estimate by WHO even though brain cancer occurs quite infrequently, it develops in about 22,000 new people every year along with 13,000 estimated deaths. Thus, understanding the facts about this disease becomes crucial. Today, we have with us Dr. Rakesh K Dua, Ms. Mch. Neurosurgery, Associate consultant at Neurosurgery Department of Rockland hospital, New Delhi who will tell us the top 10 facts about brain cancer."
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Theologian Gives Top 10 Myths About the Resurrection
Theologian Gives Top 10 Myths About the Resurrection: "Did the disciples think they saw Jesus after his death on the cross as the result of hallucination or did they really see a resurrected Christ?"
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Top 10 toys and gifts for children with autism, picked by parents - HealthPop - CBS News
Top 10 toys and gifts for children with autism, picked by parents - HealthPop - CBS News: "When it comes to living with a child who has autism, educational experts, pediatricians and scientists all have their advice for parents. But who better to bounce ideas off of than other parents of children on the autism spectrum?"
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America's Top 10 Most-Polluted Waterways | Mother Jones
America's Top 10 Most-Polluted Waterways | Mother Jones: "If you are a fly-fisher, a rafter, or heck, just a person who drinks water, here is some troubling news: Our waterways are in rough shape. An eye-opening new report (PDF) from Environment America Research and Policy Center finds that industry discharged 226 million pounds of toxic chemicals into America's rivers and streams in 2010."
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10 Bizarre Things People Have Done In Their Sleep
10 Bizarre Things People Have Done In Their Sleep: "Parasomnias are the class of sleep disorders associated with abnormal sleeptime behavior. One of the most common examples of parasomnia, for example, is somnambulism (better known as sleepwalking)."
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Monday, April 2, 2012
Despite chargesheet, Jagan Mohan Reddy remains defiant: Top 10 developments
Despite chargesheet, Jagan Mohan Reddy remains defiant: Top 10 developments: "The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has chargesheeted YSR Congress chief Jagan Mohan Reddy in connection with a disproportionate assets case. The chargesheet has fuelled speculation of Jagan's arrest. A defiant Jagan, however, says he sees no reason to be arrested by the CBI. Here are 10 developments in the case so far:"
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